

Primary Attachment Therapy Training (In Person, Portland, Oregon)

FACULTY: Donna Roy and Jessica Montgomery

MODE: In-Person

LOCATION & ZONE: Portland, Oregon The Overlook House, Pacific

Portland, Oregon

P.A.T. therapists support clients in building secure relationships using mindful, immediate engagement processes in a safe and loving therapeutic container. Primary Attachment Therapy (P.A.T.) provides […]

Working with Pre-judgment States: An Advanced Hakomi Workshop

FACULTY: Shai Lavie, Emmy Akiyama, and Karen Daley

MODE: Live Online

LOCATION & ZONE: Online - Live, Pacific

Do your clients get stuck in judgment states? These could be states of self-judgment, repetitive judgments of others, or those gloomy predictor states, with repeating thoughts in the mind like, “It’s useless […]