Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy logo with a green crane over a light green circle

Sample Level 2 Curriculum

Level 2 is open to those who have completed Level 1 and to Hakomi Graduates who wish to repeat Level 2 to refresh and refine their practice of Hakomi.

The focus of Level 2 is on the maps of Character Theory and The Sensitivity Cycle, as well as Right Use of Power in ethical practice and extensive supervised practice with classmates.

Character refers to early learning and adaptation processes. As children, we imprint experiences that shape our neural development in ways that result in an enduring set of beliefs and perceptions. These beliefs, or implicit models, unconsciously organize our behavior resulting in automatic and habitual strategies for living that are both resourceful and limiting. Understanding character enables therapists to recognize core developmental themes and deficits and tailor their interventions accordingly.

NOTE: Each training team may present curriculum topics in a unique order. We recommend students complete Hakomi Training with one training team whenever possible.


Introduction to Character and the Sensitive Withdrawn Strategy


Working at the Nourishment Barrier: Safety


Dependent/Endearing and Self-Reliant Strategies


Working at the Nourishment Barrier: Needs and Support


Tough/Generous and Charming/Seductive Strategies


Working at the Nourishment Barrier: Authenticity, Intimacy


Burdened Enduring Strategy


Working at the Nourishment Barrier: Freedom


Industrious/Overfocused and Expressive Clinging Strategies


Working at the Nourishment Barrier: Worth and Inclusion


The Sensitivity Cycle


  • Awareness of the Phases of the Sensitivity Cycles
  • Barriers To Moving Through Each Phase
  • Understanding The Barriers Through The Lens of Character Strategies


Supervised Practice


Intensive individual supervision to help the therapist embody Hakomi in a personal way