Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy logo with a green crane over a light green circle



The Body and Mindfulness in Depth Psychology

FACULTY: Halko Weiss, Ph.D., DBH, Dipl.-Psych, accredited Clinical Psychologist

MODE: In-Person

LOCATION & ZONE: Mallorca /Spain, CET

Mallorca , Spain

The curiosity, warmth, presence, and compassion of a mindful therapist, what we call “Loving Presence,” creates a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere for clients to explore themselves […]

Comprehensive Hakomi Therapist Training: Foundation Module

FACULTY: Halko Weiss, Maci Daye, Julia Corley, Valentina Iadeluca, Pia Charpentier

MODE: Hybrid

LOCATION & ZONE: Mallorca, Spain, CET

Mallorca , Spain

The Comprehensive Hakomi Therapist Training offers students a substantial education on the Hakomi Method in a format that supports their personal growth on many levels. The Tenets of […]



Trainings and


For Everyone

For Professionals