Engage your capacity to explore client attachment dynamics securely, mindfully, and experientially.
Virtual therapy options are dramatically increasing, making therapy accessible to a broader range of people, and allowing therapists to work from home. This has meant therapists have had to develop more nuanced interpersonal skills to optimize to the virtual clinical context.
At the same time, new understanding of the impact of early attachment dynamics on adult well-being is catalyzing research and deepening understanding of the foundational influence of secure relationships throughout the lifespan. Applying this awareness to the immediacy of the therapeutic process is a current challenge and opportunity for attachment-informed therapists.
Integrating attachment interventions in therapy illuminates previously unseen pathways for powerful and lasting change. Primary Attachment Therapy is a method for exploring those opportunities within the container of the immediate therapeutic relationship. Whether in an in-person or virtual context, P.A.T. uses the therapeutic relationship as a template for developing and stabilizing security in relationship to self, others, and life.
This workshop draws from Interpersonal Neurobiology, attachment theory, state-based methods, Hakomi MSP, and Primary Attachment Psychotherapy.
Designed for all levels: Prospective Hakomi Learners, Students, Graduates, CHT/P’s, and Faculty.
Take an introductory workshop to learn more about our therapeutic approach
4845 Pearl East Cir
Ste 118 / PMB 85162
Boulder, CO 80301-6112