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Resistance and Crisis, Working at the Barriers to Change: An Introduction to the Hakomi Method

May 10 - May 11


9:00am – 4:30pm MDT


For More Information :

Resistance and Crisis, Working at the Barriers to Change: An Introduction to the Hakomi Method

This workshop will expand upon the sensitivity cycle – a model for understanding met and unmet needs to help individuals recognize and overcome barriers and help them to move out of crisis patterns.

Through lecture, demo and practice exercises, this workshop will introduce you to:

  • The Basic Principles of the Hakomi Method and application to those in crisis patterns;
  • skills to promote the use of mindfulness to promote opportunities of change;
  • tracking for conscious and unconscious patterns to identify barriers;
  • understanding roles of addictions and attachment through unmet or unrecognized needs;
  • understanding of the Sensitivity Cycle of needs and the development of faulty neuroceptions;
  • intervention strategies for helping clients move through defensive barriers that contribute to crisis patterns
  • towards a more expanded and secure sense of self.

Workshop Facilitator:

Pamela Thompson, CHT., M.A., R.Psych., Hakomi Trainer. Pamela has been working in the field of trauma for over 25 years. She has trained in a number of somatic approaches to working with trauma.



Fees & Credits

Early Bird
SIGN UP BY APRIL 5 AND SAVE $50 Early Bird Price: $367.50 / $315(CAD)
$420 / $367.50


Mode :
Language :
Pamela Thompson, Registered Psychologist, Certified Hakomi Therapist & Trainer

Time & Location

May 10 & 11, 2024
Edmonton, Canada
Time Zone




Trainings and


For Everyone

For Professionals