This workshop is designed to provide an introduction of experiential learning in Hakomi, and is also a prerequisite to the Hakomi Comprehensive Training.
When in search of psychotherapy, we are also in search of another person who will genuinely listen to and care about us, attune to our emotions, and create a safe space for our experiences. While solving our problems and telling our stories is important, the essence of psychotherapy lies in how we are received and the sacred space that is held for us.
In the presence of kindness, curiosity, and mindfulness, our subconscious can reveal itself, allowing us to explore the most delicate and deep parts of our being. We can then gently hold whatever emerges and discover what needs to happen to free ourselves from our habitual patterns and make life more fulfilling.
Join this workshop to get a taste of the Hakomi method and experience firsthand the therapeutic power of the loving presence of the Hakomi therapist, their mindful attunement to the present moment, and their client’s body-mind universe. You will gain initial skills to support people in exploring their bodies, emotional wounds, and protective strategies, as well as befriending them with kindness, the latter representing all and in itself a potent healing therapeutic tool.
Faculty: Valentina Iadeluca – Licensed Psychologist, Certified Hakomi Therapist, Certified Hakomi Teacher, Full Member of European Association of Body Psychotherapy, AISC and CBT Italia. Pia Charpentier – Psychologist, certfified Hakomi Therapist, certified Hakomi Teacher
WHERE: On Zoom. We will send you a link to attend a week before the workshop.
HOURS: Friday: 16:00 -20:30 CET
Saturday: 16:00 -20:30 CET
Sunday: 16:00 -20:30 CET (Central EuropeTime)
Cost: € 250
For more information or to register: info [at] hakomimallorca [dot] com
Take an introductory workshop to learn more about our therapeutic approach
4845 Pearl East Cir
Ste 118 / PMB 85162
Boulder, CO 80301-6112