Designed for those individuals who have completed at least 120 hours of training in Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy, the Character series in Level Two of Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy focuses on the map of character theory and practice. Character refers to early learning and adaptation processes. As children, we imprint experiences that shape our neural development in ways that result in an enduring set of beliefs and perceptions. These beliefs, or implicit models, unconsciously organize our behavior resulting in automatic and habitual strategies for living that are both adaptive and limiting.
This series explores the etiology of the five basic categories of character used in Hakomi and the developmental wounds associated with each. Participants will learn to make theory-driven hypotheses about the needs and core material of various clients by examining their clients’ physical, emotional and behavioral tendencies. Participants will also practice using the mindfulness-based techniques of Hakomi to bring these strategies into consciousness so they can be examined and transformed. Upon completing this training, participants will be able to use the character map to design more targeted and refined therapeutic interventions and will recognize when their own character habits may be shaping their interactions with clients in limiting ways.
Level Two of Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy continues to develop the skills and practices learned in Level One, introduces new theoretical maps to help refine participants’ application of the Hakomi method, and includes extensive advanced supervision. Satisfactory completion of Level One is the prerequisite for acceptance into Level Two. Training weekends include didactic material, experiential exercises, discussion, movement/embodiment exercises, group maintenance time, and supervised practice times.
This level focuses on in-depth coverage of the Hakomi method’s conceptualization of character theory, an understanding of the organization of personality and character into patterns that reveal developmental and cultural wounding. Participants are guided in creating customized strategies to help attune to and access clients’ core material, offering reparative experiences to help heal developmental trauma/attachment wounds and cultural wounds.
Level Two also introduces a map called the “Sensitivity Cycle,” a way of identifying and working to understand and remedy where clients get stuck in life. This cycle has four stages: clarity, effective action, satisfaction, and relaxation, each of which correlates to one or more character strategies covered in this level.
Extensive practice and supervision help therapists attune and attend more precisely to each client’s developmental wounding and adaptive strategies. Countertransference is used to gather information about the character strategies of both client and therapist, and therapists develop a deeper understanding of their own inner organization and the process of using the self as an instrument for therapy.
Find more details on dates and timing here
80 CE’s: (ACEP #5476): Hakomi Institute has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP No. 5476.) Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Hakomi Institute is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.
To earn CE credit, students must log in at the scheduled time, attend the entire course, and complete an online course evaluation. CE Policy for SE Level 2 HERE.
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4845 Pearl East Cir
Ste 118 / PMB 85162
Boulder, CO 80301-6112