Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy logo with a green crane over a light green circle

Rebecca Stone

HAKOMI Therapist
Brooklyn, NY

Contact Info

  • PHONE: 201-694-9711


Rebecca Stone

Rebecca Stone is a psychotherapist, performance coach, and group facilitator. She serves as the founder and clinical director of Brooklyn Somatic Therapy and Philly Somatic Therapy, group practices specializing in somatic and experiential psychotherapy for adults and couples. She has received advanced training and certification in The Hakomi Method, Somatic Experiencing therapy, and Emotion-focused Couples Therapy. In addition to her clinical work, Rebecca works as a performance consultant and executive coach to non-profit and for-profit organizations, facilitating trainings on topics including emotional intelligence skill-building, business psychology, work culture and communication, and trauma first aid. She lives in Philadelphia with her husband and two children.

LOCATION: Brooklyn, New York (United States)