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Kathleen Dunbar

HAKOMI Therapist
California and Florida
 Accepting New Clients
 Online Therapy Available
SPEAKS: English

Contact Info

  • PHONE: 415-668-5130


Kathleen Dunbar

Wholeness, Celebration, Joy, Love, Dignity, and Compassion are fundamental qualities of a life truly lived. Discovering who we are is our birthright. But we must walk our path to discover ourselves and go on the hero and heroine’s journey that asks us to step into the unknown, relinquish the things we know we must let go of and claim the truth we know is ours. By being our unique selves, our lives flourish and the world is a better place. Making your dreams come alive means being uniquely you. You’ll be able to say, “This is my life, I’m taking it seriously and enjoying it!” And yes, you can learn to say out loud and mean it: “I love myself.”

It can be so hard to let go of old limiting beliefs, stuckness and habitual patterns that originally arose to help protect you, but which are keeping your world too small now. Change is possible! I’ll help you discover the satisfaction of living your unique life from your Wise Self with the pleasurable participation of your body. I’d love to be your guide.

When we weave together the practical, the imaginative, the heartful and a good laugh—we are unstoppable!

I’ve been in practice since 1997 and a Certified Hakomi Therapist since 2004. I offer leading edge approaches to help you shift from surviving to thriving: Hakomi, somatics, relational, attachment and experiential work, Wise Self/Parts work (similar to IFS), visualizations, and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (similar to Somatic Experiencing) for healing trauma, including shock, developmental, complex/CPTSD, attachment trauma, and panic attacks. I help adults with anxiety, trauma, PTSD, relational and self esteem issues grow and thrive. I’ll help you live from your True Self in a felt sense way that will sustain you, enliven you and that you’ll build on and grow.

• California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #MFT39880 (Telehealth statewide, limited in-person sessions in San Francisco, CA)
• Florida Registered Telehealth Provider #TPMF517 (Telehealth only)

LOCATION: 16 Blake Street, San Francisco, California 94118 (United States) Florida (United States)