Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy logo with a green crane over a light green circle

John Hillman

B.A. (Oxon), M.Ed., Cert.Supervision
HAKOMI Practitioner
Sheffield, England
 Accepting New Clients
SPEAKS: English

Contact Info

  • PHONE: +44 1142584241


John Hillman

Having trained in a different modality of body psychotherapy I turned to Hakomi and qualified with Donna Martin and Ron Kurtz. Earlier in my career I had for 21 years been a Headteacher of a special school for children with emotional difficulties. Now turned 80 I continue to work for the love of the Hakomi practice. I use poetry as a vital part of the work, particularly finding poems that can serve to bring integration to the session.

LOCATION: 12 Grange Crescent, Sheffield, S11 8AY (United Kingdom)