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Emily O’Barr

HAKOMI Practitioner
Chapel Hill, NC
 Accepting New Clients
 Online Therapy Available
SPEAKS: English

Contact Info

  • PHONE: (919) 622-0856


Emily O’Barr

Hello. I‘m Emily. I am a Coach, a Bodyworker, a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and a Hakomi Practitioner. I consider myself to be a fierce advocate, a pot stirrer, a truth teller and a believer in the good in people. I am passionate, intense, curious, creative, and above all, I am kind. I care deeply about the work I do and the people I work with.

Through my training in Hakomi, Somatics, Presence-Based Coaching, Trauma-Informed Coaching, Mindfulness, Somatic Experiencing, Improv, Yoga and various other modalities, I offer a large toolbox. My clients are thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, social activists, intellectuals, artists, helping professionals, educators, creative types and business and professional people of all kinds. I work with people who are stuck, who want more, who are interested in doing the hard work of self-discovery, healing and personal growth.

In this work there is no perfect place to begin. I can meet you exactly where you are. Our work together is guided by the questions you have, the things that you want to be different and the places to where your curiosity travels. I thrive at sorting through what is confusing, solving problems live, getting real, and finding humor and play and levity — while at the same time offering actual meaningful support.

I filter the world by looking for what has meaning and purpose to me and I can help you do the same. Through this process, I help my clients heal, discover purpose, align their actions with their values, and answer big questions.

I believe you are already whole, self-generative and self-healing. I believe you already have all the answers within you, and the work we do is a discovery process, rather than the creation of something that doesn’t already exist. I believe we all have a unique purpose – a gift only we can offer the world, and it is our life’s work to find that gift and bring it forward.

My purpose – and my great passion and honor – is to help you uncover and express the gifts that are uniquely yours. In this way, I help my clients find fulfillment and experience joy in their lives.

Would you like to know more? If you have a question, a curiosity, or are interested in speaking to me about how we might work together, I would love to hear from you.

LOCATION: 1829 East Franklin Street, Suite 100A, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516 (United States)