Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy logo with a green crane over a light green circle

Ariana Tosatto

Pennsylvania, United States
 Online Therapy Available
SPEAKS: English

Contact Info

  • PHONE: 267- 571- 8124


Ariana Tosatto

Ariana combines Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy into the tapestry of her work, which draws predominantly from the field of somatic therapy as well as Transpersonal counseling. She has been a student of various earth-based spiritual healing lineages and mentors alongside her training in Western Psychology. This greatly informs her orientation to attachment repatterning and trauma recovery, emphasizing the vital role of our re-connection to the animate world in our healing. Ariana has a private practice nestled along the trails of the Wissahickon Valley, where she incorporates eco-therapy in her work, taking clients outside to connect with the land surrounding her office. She runs ongoing supervision groups and provides mentoring to other practitioners.

LOCATION: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (United States)