Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy logo with a green crane over a light green circle


Paris Williams

HAKOMI Teacher
PhD in Clinical Psychology, Licensed Psychologist in California and Utah
Teletherapy, California

Paris Williams

Paris Williams, PhD, has degrees in ecology and psychology, specializing in humanistic, existential, transpersonal, somatic and ecological therapy approaches. He has worked as a clinical psychologist in California, Utah and New Zealand, has conducted research on psychosis, nonordinary states, and radical personal transformation, published the widely acclaimed book, Rethinking Madness, and provides integrative mindful-somatic psychotherapy to individuals, couples and families. He began studying Hakomi in 2005, became a Certified Hakomi Teacher in 2015, has been a member of the teaching faculty of several Hakomi professional trainings, and has been the primary facilitator of over 30 Hakomi-centered trainings and workshops. He provides professional supervision (one-on-one and regular-small-group formats), and continues to offer regular Hakomi-centered workshops and trainings, with emphases on working with acute and developmental trauma, and ecotherapy and deep ecology approaches. You can find more information about his work at pariswilliamsphd.com



 Accepting New Clients
 Online Therapy Available
 Available for Supervision

Contact Info

WEBSITE: https://pariswilliamsphd.com/

PHONE: 385-276-6442

California (United States) Teletherapy, Utah, Utah (United States)

