Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy logo with a green crane over a light green circle


Ashley Ross

HAKOMI Teacher
M.A., M.F.T., CHT
Pasadena, Los Angeles, California
Hakomi California

Ashley Ross

Ashley Ross is a teacher on the Hakomi Institute of California team. She completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa and attended The Wright Institute in Berkeley, where she earned her Masters in Counseling Psychology. Prior to attaining her MFT license, Ashley studied holistic women’s health at Justisse College in Canada. For the last 25 years, she has provided counseling to adults, couples and children and designed and facilitated support groups in a variety of settings including schools, a family therapy agency and a somatic trauma center. She has been a part of the Hakomi community since 2006. Ashley is currently in private practice in Los Angeles where she works with individuals, couples and groups. Ashley’s dual training in somatic psychotherapy and holistic health opened her to the benefits of using our bodies to achieve an integrated state of wellbeing. She brings this sense, along with a deep love of our messy humanness, to her work and teaching.



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 Available for Supervision
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[if dir-supervision2 like=”no”] Available for Certification

Contact Info

PHONE: (818) 925-6432

ADDRESS: 446 South Marengo Ave, Suite B, Pasadena, California 91101 (United States)

